Season Two / New Case and it's not in the southeast of the U.S. I have been more than privileged to have been asked by Payne and the Tenderfoot Tv team to be apart of the investigation and journalism of this case in a greater capacity this time around. I can say with complete honesty that Up & Vanished hasn't set out to be a branding, hasn't set out to be a money maker or a means by which to exploit real people and the real stories of their deaths or missing status'
Up & Vanished is continuing to do exactly what it set out to do not but just three years ago ; which is to shed light on these cases that have gone dark/cold, and to continue a consistent communication and conversation about the context in which these individuals went missing.
To say that we couldn't script out the variant positions we find ourselves in, or the things that are told to us in bringing up these cases up and talking to those involved in missing persons lives (at some point or another), is a complete understatement. We have been floored "to say the least" at what we have found out in this new case. Our team has been surprised at times, and personally I have realized that the more you allow people to speak on what they have been closed about over years period of time, the more things naturally flow out that have been kept in dark closets.
We as a team are personally invested in solving this new case, seeking justice for the family that lost their own. Payne is going to tell you a story in a masterful way, but not compromising the truth for entertainment purposes. The team is here to show all the facets of this case and to do our very best to again do what we could only hope to do, and that is to bring this person what they deserve (what any human deserves) and that is justice for the cause of their missing status.
Come along with us on this journey with its winding dirt and gravel roads, out in the middle of nowhere (literally) and I believe you'll find that you've never heard of such a place in all your days on earth.
August 20th, 2018, Up & Vanished: Season Two, We are in real time and as always, when you do hear of this missing person's story, if you have any information on their disappearance please give the hotline a call.