
Risk or Reward ?

We all wish it was one or the other; don’t you agree? That we would be assured that we might yield reward despite taking risks. One cannot operate outside of the other.In this picture it could be easily translated by the viewer that the bullseye is the reward and the outer circle is the risk to get there. What if we looked at this picture as the bullseye is the risk and what surrounds shooting for the risk is surrounded with reward?

This changes not only our perspective but our actionable steps. To hit our mark we must take the risk; the bravery comes with taking the risk. Reward can easily be found surrounding the initial decision to do so.

So what are we waiting for ? Reward surrounds you as soon as you take that risk (whatever it might be).


A phrase so easily thrown around in the industry, “Finish Strong”. Finishing strong could simply translate to finish, but the separator is the sentiment and meaning of the word “strong” . How many of us just limp ourselves to the finish of something we started. We most certainly could say that is enough and relish in the result of something “finished”. However, isn’t the true value in the strength part. Maybe it doesn’t even have to be in our “own” strength, maybe the depth of strength is in having completed something with your collective teams strength. The sheer power of your team helping you to finish something to the best of your ability or to your greatest capacity is the ultimate strength. When you individually feel you don’t have much more than finishing something left in you; maybe its the time to lean on the colelctive strength of those around you.

Now , let’s actually go, “Finish Strong” !



Many a time we come to the crossroad between our sacrifice and our end goal. The scale tips un evenly and we are confronted with a decision constantly. This very teeter totter makes life seem impossible at times, doesn’t it?

We are met with the conditions of our sacrifice, we pay for the palette of our own tastes and are met with discomforts all around us.

When will our struggle have any ease to it or when will we not gnash our teeth awaiting the next disappointment? Could there be a success or pivotal opportunity on the other side of the immediate task or mission at hand? I believe we can answer this with a powerful, YES !

Risk = Reward, whether personal gratification or simply the overwhelming feeling of being alive. Risk in and of itself is living. For what are we risking, if not our very lives?

We are betting on ourselves with the sacrifices we have made, are currently making and with the currency of time.

So, one last question, Is it worth it to you?



This question encompasses so much of life, do we actively have a source of satisfaction or pleasure in our lives? Is what we use our physical and mental energy on gratifying?

If that is day to day work for you, or a relationship, a craft or possibly an exercise; do you receive more than a pheromone high from it ? Let’s not think of gratification as a momentary chemical reaction or that flickering smirk of a job well done. Gratification isn’t the way you rest your head at night with your arms behind your head, peering at the ceiling as if to announce, “I did my best with what I had” when the day has come its close.

Gratification cannot be just the trophy we place in the case to nod at or polish from time to time.

Isn’t it more? Well, it must be !

It isn’t enough to experience happiness, for that is simply a fleeting emotion. There is a genuine joy to be experienced from how we live our days; and gratification can truly be an active state of being.

So are you finding gratification in life, or not ?


GENUINITY- the quality of being true, authentic, or valid

What are we missing in todays content? What are we missing when we take in content visibly, audibly or emotionally even ?

I would beg the idea that in the year 2023 we are missing “genuinity”. It’s interesting that we see popular apps come out with the title, “BE REAL”. It would almost seem as if the general population is losing the desire to view content with a filter on it, exhausted with the idea of something polished or possibly there is a general tiredness to viewing peoples highlight reels.

It’s as if humans want to see other humans in their natural elements. At home with no makeup on or in their pajamas. They would rather know where someone is struggling (for the emathy that they themselves are not alone), or would rather view families enjoying family time. Maybe they like to see funny genuine relationships that are transparent about their many faults.

For the first time in a long time we are longing as a human race for authenticity.

Maybe we can blame it on the global pandemic for us getting used to content from our homes.

So, what’s the point here? Well, why not make more professional content that has “genuinity” ?

The more humans feel their being spoken to from another human as opposed to a brand, business or entity; the more I believe we will connect with authenticity.


What do you desire in your vocation? Is it accolade, craftsmanship, quality or longevity?

When I consistently ask myself, it has bode me well over the years as I’ve built the blocks of my own craft. Once I start with the foundation each year of this very question, it results in a trajectory for the days and months that so quickly go by. Please don’t think of it merely as a, “new years resolution”; more so it is a starting place.

I am not the same person I was 5 years ago, and guess what, neither are you. Our desires for our life change and take on new forms over time. This simple exercise is a self check on where we are at in the here and now. It becomes all apart of the process of being present with the realities of our current lives; yet gives us hope and dreams once again for whats to come.

So if we have a desire, how do we see it come into fruition?

Incremental steps towards our desires are of pinnacle importance. So many times we look at all we have to become and it’s impossibly intimidating. It stares back at us and with its ugly scowl says, “You can’t find time for that”, “You’re too old” or the inevitable “Comparison game with others in our industry”. This is where passivity creeps in and debilitates our potential.

If we tell ourselves and agree that “this very incremental step I am apart right now will get me over there”, then we are really going places!

In conclusion, “What do you desire?” for your life and your vocation?

Take those incremental steps today, and don’t listen to yourself or others when you hear “you can’t”.

  • God be with you,

    - RR


When we as onlookers dive more deeply into a creatives (actor, musician, artist’s etc.) career we try to find a recipe for their seemingly mass success’. However, the more interviews, stories and the vast array of quotations published by these individuals are very telling of one thing, “there is truly no method to the madness”.

Some people were trained from a young age to be avid at their skill honing their specific craft early on. Others it came more naturally to and someone in their lives simply encouraged them in the field of their gifting.

However, there is a reoccurring theme in the greatest, most recognized and honored artists stories, “Failure”. Every one of these humans is well acquainted with this inevitability. We have to ask ourselves as renaissance men and women, are we willing to fail? Can we rise above the failure and still receive vision for the rest of our existence.

When the years go by and your career doesn’t look like what you had hoped. When your place in life doesn’t match the dreams you swear you saw in your head. Do we dare to ask ourselves, have I written my best song, painted my greatest work of art and played my most meaningful role? These questions come loaded with an inspiration that far exceeds our past failures or where we’ve come up short thus far.

Creatives who don’t create feel as if they are not being or doing enough in life, like there is something lacking, missing and a change must occur.

So if there is no perfect, “method to the madness “of our industries and failure is inevitable. Well then go ahead and fail, and after that let’s move on. Cause right around the corner of that failure is a vision that will make you leap out of bed just to experience it.

You and I have yet to fully live out those dreams, so in the meantime have fun failing and I’ll see you on the other side of it.



Isolation can be used as a gauge of where we might be in our own personal mental state of mind. Research truly shows the risk presented by social isolation is very similar in magnitude to that of obesity, lack of access to care and physical inactivity or even smoking. Researchers have weighted several standard measures of social isolation, frequency of religious service attendance,  including marital status, club meetings/group activities and number of close friends or relatives. Those who are lonely may slip into unhealthy habits, even lack of encouragement from family or friends can deeply effect those in social isolation. This state of loneliness and level of stress impede true rest and can harm the body and augment depression or anxiety.

So what have we learned from something of a so called “Pandemic”, which has forced our nation and the globe to be in a state of social isolation. We’ve learned thus far that social closeness, the activity of relational communication and or socializing is very important to our very mental health. It affects us in ways we couldn’t have conceived before this time, and we feel the gravity and weight of a world without it.

So, what now? How do we prioritize relationship with others now that we are “allowed” to be together. How do perceive our lives through the lens of relational health? What has this “CO-VID” given us instead of taken from us in this time? Finally, what does a future look like when we truly realize what is vital to our humanity?

I’ll leave you with a quote I read as of recent which made quite an impact on me to sum it all up:

“Traffic has gone, fuel is affordable, bills extended, kids are at home with their families. Parents are home taking care and connecting with their children. Fast food has been replaced by home cooked meals. Hectic Schedules replaced by naps, rest and relaxation. The air is cleaner, the world is quieter. People are conscious of hygiene and health. Money doesn’t make the world go around anymore. Designer clothes are a bit pointless as we never really needed them anyways. Doctor, teachers and nurses have never been more praised in our society. Most of all, God still seems to be enthroned and in the middle; restoring peace to turmoil.”