When we as onlookers dive more deeply into a creatives (actor, musician, artist’s etc.) career we try to find a recipe for their seemingly mass success’. However, the more interviews, stories and the vast array of quotations published by these individuals are very telling of one thing, “there is truly no method to the madness”.
Some people were trained from a young age to be avid at their skill honing their specific craft early on. Others it came more naturally to and someone in their lives simply encouraged them in the field of their gifting.
However, there is a reoccurring theme in the greatest, most recognized and honored artists stories, “Failure”. Every one of these humans is well acquainted with this inevitability. We have to ask ourselves as renaissance men and women, are we willing to fail? Can we rise above the failure and still receive vision for the rest of our existence.
When the years go by and your career doesn’t look like what you had hoped. When your place in life doesn’t match the dreams you swear you saw in your head. Do we dare to ask ourselves, have I written my best song, painted my greatest work of art and played my most meaningful role? These questions come loaded with an inspiration that far exceeds our past failures or where we’ve come up short thus far.
Creatives who don’t create feel as if they are not being or doing enough in life, like there is something lacking, missing and a change must occur.
So if there is no perfect, “method to the madness “of our industries and failure is inevitable. Well then go ahead and fail, and after that let’s move on. Cause right around the corner of that failure is a vision that will make you leap out of bed just to experience it.
You and I have yet to fully live out those dreams, so in the meantime have fun failing and I’ll see you on the other side of it.